Monday, July 1, 2013

Pokemon is About to Get 20% Cooler: Pokemon X & Y

Pokemon X and Y are coming out in October of 2013, and you know what that means -- New breeds of Pokemon

The starter Pokemon are Fennekin -- The fox Pokemon.  Its name comes from the words fox and kindle.  It's the pokemon that I'm looking forward to starting with.

Next, there is Chespin -- The shelled chestnut Pokemon.  It is the first grass type starter to be based on a mammal.

Finally, we come to Froakie -- The foam frog Pokemon (it has a mustache!).  It is also the smallest un-evolved starter Pokemon.

Exciting news for Eevee fans:  We are getting two new Eevee evolutions (Eevee is my favorite pokemon tied with Charizard and Fennekin).  The new Eevee evolutions are Sylveon and Benjeon. 

Sylveon is a new type of Pokemon -- a Fairy type. It is known as the Intertwining Pokemon too

Not much has been announced about Benjeon, and I have almost no info on him.  All I can say this:  Benjeon are always male, just as Sylveon are always female.

Finally, lets give a warm welcome to Xerneas and Yveltal. They are the main Ledgendaries of the games. Xerneas is the Legendary of  Pokemon X, and Yveltal fills the role in Pokemon Y.


Many more have been released, but we'll save those for a later post. I'm looking forward to doing a full review when the games come out in October!

Which  X & Y Pokemon are you most excited about?


  1. There is no such thing as Benjeon. Also, Sylveon can be male. I have a MALE Sylveon.

  2. Uh... "Benjeon" is shiny... Sylveon is normal. Benjeon doesn't exist ... '-'

  3. benjeon is a fakemon... sylveon can be male too


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