Have you ever wondered what would happen if the My Little Pony characters were actually real people? In the brand new movie, Equestria Girls, that's just what happens.
Oh my goodness: What have they done?
When I first heard about this movie, I thought it was going to be an insult to Bronies and Pegasisters everywhere. If nothing else, it was going to be a test of fan loyalty.
Don't Judge a Book by its Cover
After I watched a few trailers and read more about the movie online, my interest grew. On June 16, the movie was released and watched with a hopeful heart. It turned out that Equestria Girls had a great plot line, music and script; and the same je ne sais quoi as MLPFIM.
Not much to complain about, but I was confused by the way Spike turned into a dog in the human world. Why a dog?
*May contain spoilers*
Twilight Sparkle and Spike travel to our own human world. While Twilight is sleeping, a mysterious mare comes into her room and steals her princess crown. The pony is Sunset Shimmer, who was Princess Celestia’s former “star student”. Twilight and Spike see her and start the chase, waking everypony up. Sunset trips and throws the crown/Element of Harmony into a portal, and she jumps in after it. Celestia and Luna tell Twilight the importance of the task, but when Rainbow Dash says she won’t let Twilight go in alone, the sisters tell her it would mess up the balance. After Twilight leaps in, Spike get scared and runs after her.
Twilight vs. Sunset Shimmer |
When they are in this new world, Twilight becomes a human and Spike, as I mentioned, becomes a dog. After realizing that she has no magic, wings or hooves, and seeing that she can’t walk on all fours, she goes to school and sees a girl bulling another girl and stands up for her. When the “fight” is over, Twilight and the girl- Fluttershy (who names there kid that?) become friends. Fluttershy tells Twilight that Sunset brought the crown to use when she is Princess of the fall formal, Sunset wins every year. (Ok, so Fluttershy in this world is NOT the same pony as the one back in Equestria. There is a person and a pony with the same name and personality in each world). Twilight decides to run against her to win back the crown, and along the way, meets a new and unlikely group of friends: The designer, Rarity; The country girl, Applejack; The party animal, Pinkie Pie; The shy girl, Fluttershy; and the super awesome jock who is captain of all the sports teams, Rainbow Dash!

To find out what happens, you will have to watch it yourself, I don't want to spoil your fun. Oops! I forgot to mention Flash. You’ll just have to watch to find out who he is.
One last teaser: The ending makes me wonder—What would happen if Twilight watched MLPFIM when she was a human?
5 out of 5 Cutie Marks
"A must see if you love MLP!"